These lessons dramatically improved my base performance. My top four ⬇️

📥Your Inbox is either a major risk or an advantage 📤

Often staffers that have overflowing inboxes can not prioritize. If you are constantly scanning for action items ad-hoc, you risk emails stacking up and an ****issue exploding on your watch. Inbox Zero is the way to go:

1️⃣ File emails for action as Critical 🔥 **or Non-Urgent ✅

2️⃣ The archive folder 🗃️ **is where all emails end up once actioned

3️⃣ Aim to clear your primary inbox, periodically

50+ folders might be the norm 🙄 but we often just search by keywords

⌛ Tasks under two minutes = Just do it ⏳

Handling the same email multiple times wastes your energy.

Tasks under two minutes, just do it. For tasks over two minutes, file it as critical 🔥 **or non-urgent ✅ and break down those tasks into sub-tasks.

🧠 Your brain is for having ideas, not for holding them 🧠

✍️ Note all your tasks. I email myself tasks so I don't forget them. Never rely solely on your memory, it takes up valuable 'human-RAM'. Focus on problem-solving, not remembering tasks.

🤖 Use automatic folder sorting on outlook 🤖

Try not to let media alerts interrupt you. Check a dedicated folder instead.

These lessons are from a book that dramatically improved my performance: Getting Things Done by David Allen will change the trajectory of your career