The Checklist Manifesto offers a scientific-based masterclass on how a checklist can: ☑️ save lives ☑️ make better investments decisions ✅ prevent mistakes in any industry

Here's a breakdown of my main takeaways from @Atul_Gawande's book🧵👇

❌ Takeaway #1: Checklists eliminate stupid mistakes 🙅

Most people think checklists are unnecessary.

However, Gawande demonstrates that even the most experienced pilot, surgeon, investor or builder makes simple mistakes when relying solely on memory.

🗣️ Takeaway #2: Specific communication checks are paramount 💬

A check item for nurses/surgeons to introduce themselves dramatically improved their response to unexpected emergencies.

Gawande found communication checks prevented mistakes in highly complex commercial builds.

✋ Takeaway #3: A checklist should be a maximum of 9 items ⏹️

More than 9, and the list will risk being overly onerous for users. They should be short, precise and practicable.

This is the Gawande developed list for the @WHO with clear and straightforward actionable checks.

💡 Takeaway #4: Checklists improve outcomes with no increase in skill 🤔

When checklists were introduced for surgeries in eight hospitals, a study found deaths fell by 47%, and major complications fell by 36%.

📑 Takeaway #5: Checklists are living breathing documents 🫁

When airlines merge, one of the biggest fights amongst pilots is which checklists will be adopted.

Checklists are regularly changed for local conditions and system improvements.

Gawande offers a window for any knowledge or service industry to improve results dramatically.